Baby dust please!

We, my SO and I, have been trying to conceive our 2nd baby for almost a year now. We have a beautiful baby boy who turns 2 in November and suffered 2 miscarriages after his birth. Anyway, I track my period with 4 different apps. All of them indicated that last week was my fertile week with Friday being my peak day. My SO and I had sex everyday last week and every other day this week. I know it's way too soon but I've been nauseated on and off since and even had food aversions. Like I said I know it's far too soon so maybe I just had/have a stomach bug but my SO is 100% convinced that this time we'll conceive so much so that he is already trying to make plans and said he had a dream that I told him I'm pregnant and that it felt like it was real. I really hope he's right and I'm just asking for baby dust, thoughts, prayers, whatever positivity y'all can give me.