Woman to Woman

Before you read this please don’t judge me I’ve made choices that I’m not proud of but I own up to my mistakes but please do not comment any negativity or rude remark it’s already hard enough to talk about this so take a short journey with me into the past....

It’s senior year I’m 18 already left home (long story) so I met someone over Christmas break and liked them so we hung out one night and had sex unprotected. A few weeks go by and I notice that things are different down there and with my body period thought I was pregnant but wasn’t come to find out I contracted a virus I’m embarrassed to say that I have to live with for ever. I can’t give the virus unless I’m having an outbreak and I have medicine jus in case I do so that I can suppress it and the symptoms. Once I told him he denied it all and tried to flip it all on me even though I asked him about his past and he wasn’t honest I still should have used protection. Anyway I’ve beat myself up about it and cried plenty of days and nights. I feel like my love life is over and that’s my biggest fear coz I was careless and now one of the things I want the most could all be over and it hurts it’s not all about sex but once that is brought up peoples feelings change.

Anyway when is too early to tell someone? How late is to late? How do I bring it up? What do I say? I’ve told any other person I’ve been intimate with or at least anyone I thought that things were going to get there with I cant just not tell someone and hurt them like I was hurt but sometimes it has all blown up in my face and it hurts to feel like you’ll never find love or be accepted because of your past I try to put myself in others shoes and I understand it’s something to deal with but my past will forever haunt me and I can’t do anything about it