No longer a September baby


At 32 weeks we learned our little man was breech, and if he didn’t turn by 36 weeks, we would have to schedule an EVC. Sure enough, by 36 weeks he still hasn’t turned. We scheduled an ultrasound to verify his position, and during this we learned I also had polyhydramniosis. My doctor read the report, and because he was breech and I had poly, she felt the safest thing for the baby would be to schedule a c-section at 37 weeks.

On the Monday before our c-section, we went for our routine checkup, and had a last ultrasound to confirm his position. Miraculously, he was head down and in position!! My doctor said with the risk of poly, it was best to still move forward with labor, but we would be inducing instead. So Tuesday night, we went in to start the pills to soften my cervix.

After 26 hours of labor, and only making it to 1 cm, our little one began to show signs of stress, so we decided to do an immediate cesarean. Thank goodness we did because he had the cord wrapped around his neck and full body! But on August 30, at 1:28 am, we welcomed our first child, Judah Daniel into our world!

He is spending some time in the nicu, but will hopefully be out soon!