Struggling Mommy


Just a little post because I have something I need to get off my mind. My boyfriend had (MINOR) surgery the other day, I've been running round trying to do everything I can to help him, I understand he's in pain and I wanna take care of him obviously. So as well as looking after him and trying to do everything else, look after our 18 month old son, stressing about if I might be pregnant and if I'm not, and not getting enough sleep at night (see point 1 and 2), I snapped at him once and he's getting annoyed at me because I'm a little overwhelmed. I feel he might be overrxaggerating about it too, I've literally had 4 major surgeries starting from the age of 14, and a lifelong medical illness, as well as birthing a child and I still have never acted as helpless as him. RANT OVER.