Complete shock!


So after trying for six years, then 6 rounds of <a href="">iui</a>, and 3 rounds of <a href="">ivf</a> (with 2 beautiful baby girls that are 3 and 1). I just got the biggest shock of my life!

I just found out on Wednesday that I am pregnant NATURALLY! I know it may not seem so crazy to everyone but honestly I never thought it would happen for us.

On Wednesday I was running errands and just kept randomly gagging. My 1yr old has been sick so I kinda figured it was just me getting sick. Hubby and I had just decided that we were going to try <a href="">ivf</a> again next year. Well when I got home I found an old test and decided to take it. I took it and just left it on the floor expecting it to be negative like all the others. I look down and see PREGNANT! I totally freaked out! I called my mom and ran to the store for more tests. I took another one and a plus sign came up immediately. I hadn’t told my hubby yet and I wanted to do something special since neither of us has ever been “surprised” by a pregnancy. So I was going to wait till Sunday to tell him because he left to go hunting yesterday and won’t be home until Sunday. Well he walked in from work and I got SUPER awkward! He was talking to me about his day and finally was like “are you ok? You seem really off” so I caved! I pulled the tests out of their hiding spot and he totally broke down! It was the sweetest reaction ever and even though I didn’t do anything super crazy it was still amazing to see him so happy. According to my last period I should be due April 27th. I’m so nervous but so so so excited! Just wanted to share!