What’s going on??


So..my husband is a general manager/managing partner of a restaurant. He hired on a young lady (for privacy we will call her Sue). Well, Sue is constantly texting my husband for common sense things. I keep wondering why she was hired as shift manager if she doesn’t know the material and needs constant direction from my husband. Anyway. They have been working together going on 6 months. Sue started gifting my husband with things like Starbucks and I didn’t think much of it at first. Then one day I was reading his messages because he left his iwatch and it kept dinging. Well it was Sue. In the conversation she told my husband how much she misses him when he leaves out of town and that nothing is the same without him. My husband continued with the conversation saying “believe me I’d rather be at work than to take these road trips”. The road trip he was referring to was a trip we took to Dallas which is only 3 hrs away. Ladies..I got offended because when we got back from the road trip he was loving and thanked me for always thinking of spontaneous things to do together...I did confront him about it and he thought I was crazy because him and Sue were just coworkers. Not to mention that’s how him and I met lol my guess is my husband is ignorant to what Sue is doing or I’m ignorant to what my husband is really doing....HELP!