You need a butt..


I was out shopping with my boyfriend and I was looking at the short shorts that were on sale.. I liked them but while I was looking at them. He stated “You won’t even look right in those. Because your body won’t fit it right and you need butt to fit those kind of shorts.” I didn’t say anything I just shook my head.. Then while we were looking at the jumpsuits He stated “You won’t look right in those either because you are too skinny you need a shape.” I laughed and I was yeah I do need a shape in those. But that still hurt my feelings.. But a month ago I told him I like wearing dresses he told me “I don’t think you’ll look right in a dress, I think you’ll look weird...” This is really hurting my feeling but I haven’t told him that... He told me at first he wasn’t attracted to me but then later on the attraction came (I can understand that because I’ve heard some stories about ppl not attracted to their partners a first and then the attraction came)... But with all that body shaming I’m not liking it at all.. ☹️☹️ I already don’t like my body (I’m trying to love my own body and to the realization that this will be my body and I have to live it) but to have my boyfriend say something like that it hurts... He doesn’t have the perfect 6-pack abs body but Im still attracted to him...