After 30 + hours of labor, contractions that were unbearable, 7 missed IV attempts, two failed dilat..

After 30 + hours of labor, contractions that were unbearable, 7 missed IV attempts, two failed dilation meds, a failed epidural which called for a redo, manually breaking my water which showed baby girl pooped in the sac, pitocin even though i didnt want it... *it sped things up so much faster and honestly thankful i agreed on it.* about 20 pushes later i finally got to hold my beautiful 8 pound baby girl. ❤ 8/31 3:33pm.

also yelling while bawling my eyes out that i couldnt do it, i was too scared and in too much pain... my body did what it needed to do. i couldnt have done it without the support i had from my husband, my mother, and the 5 very hypee, bubbly, energetic nurses. ❤