Long Birth story Rude Midwife


on Sunday August 26th at 8 pm, I started feeling like I was having really bad menstrual cramps.... Later to find out these were mild early labor contractions. I went to the hospital and got checked.... was only 1.5cm dilated with the cervix still rear facing. They had me walk around for 2 hours with my lovely boyfriend but sadly the contractions werent really getting any worse. They checked me again around midnight and I was still 1.5cm dilated, but the cervix was forward facing. My midwife on calls name was Devan and she told me 'Youre a new mom, youre defjnitely in early labor, but you could be in early labor for a few weeks or days before she decides to come.' Hearing this I was disappointed, but at the same time kinda felt like it would happen. The next day, Monday the 27th the contractions were getting worse and were only 7 mins apart I called my OB to see if they could see me in office and they told me go straught to the birthing center. I was reluctant but agreed. We get there and what do ya know Devan is still on call. This time she quickly checked me told me I was thinned, but still 1.5cm. I was crying through some rough contractions with my eyes closed to not focus on the pain and she continuosly told me 'Why are you upset? Open your eyes honey, honey open your eyes.' I told her the contractions hurt and she told me Youre a First time mom, usually they go past their due date youre probably just anxious so Im gonna give you something for your anxiety to help you sleep as well. Seriously dont expect her too soon shell be here when shes ready.

My boyfriend and I head home, upset that he missed a day of work for nothing and I finally took an hour long nap. Fast forwarf to 4:23 am on Wednesday August 28th, I woke up with horrible contractions, I tried sleeping but couldnt.. so I hopped in a hot shower. That wasnt helping either I got on my hands and knees and started timing them. 6 or 7 mins apart, I got out of the shower made myself some red raspberry leaf tea and ate a granola bar. By this time it was 5:30am and I was sitting on the living room couch with a hoodie and pants on, a blanket around me and the AC off. My boyfriend came out asking if I was okay but I didnt know... I had hot flashes and goosebumps, so I called my OB because contractions were random from 3 mins apart to 7 mins apart to sometimes 10 mins or 2mins apart and not lasting too long all were around 50 seconds sometimes less sometimes a little more. I call the hospital they say to come in, but dont be surprised if I get sent home.

We make it to the hospital for almost 7am and the doctor comes in after an hour of me crying through contractions and asks to check me. Finally a different midwife!!!! She checks me and Im 4cm dilated and 80% effaced, she asked if I wanted to stay.... I said Yes!!!! They moved me to a L&D room, and asked if I wanted an epidural. Originally I thought I wanted to labor in a birthing pool but hell no I was in too much pain... They came back and did the epidural around 10am, It was scary but it didnt really hurt and definitely helped with contractions then checked me around 11:30am I was already 7cm, so they broke my water IT DIDNT EVEN HURT, I DIDNT FEEL IT AT ALL!!! My midwife said my babygirl would probably be here by 5:30pm with how I was progressing, well around 2pm I felt like she was ready, but I was starting to feel every contraction only in my left hip...😞 I tried upping the epidural and it didnt help I needed to push. A med student was there and asked if he could stay to watch the birth, I said yes.

My little sister left the room, my mom, and my boyfriend stayed. I pushed for 33 mins and got to see my babygirl coming out, the last 3 pushes were the hardest but it felt great to yell through them while holding my boyfriends hand. The midwife did a perineal massage to reduce tearing and I didnt need any stitches!! My boyfriend cut the cord, which made me cry I was so happy. They wiped her down and put her on me and she breastfed for 40 mins straight right away. Shes honestly the best thing thats ever happened to me and came out with a full head of hair and looks just like I did when I was born.😊

I would do this all over again for my babygirl she makes me so happy and whole.


The first time you try walking after an epidural and delivery is HARD feels like sea legs and felt like I couldnt breathe.

The first time peeing after a vaginal and peeing for the next week burns like a UTI times 1,000 use a numbing spray with Lidocaine to help and the squeeze bottle they give you. Drink a LOT of water so your pee isnt concentrated=wont burn as bad especially if you use the peri bottle.

Make Padsicles for sure!!!!

You dont poop for a while after and for some people its painful to push(luckily not me) but they said use miralax for that.

Back pain sucks after labor and with the epidural

Sitting is extremely uncomfortable, still is and its been almost 5 days.... but motrin and tylenol help.

And for those wondering heres my munchkin.

London Danielle 6lbs 12oz 18.5 in long