Well, Friday night around 10, my water started leaking

Well, Friday night around 10, my water started leaking. I honestly thought I was peeing on myself. Around 4:00 am yesterday, I started having really intense contractions. Not really knowing if it was Braxton Hicks or real labor pains. So I woke my husband up and we started getting ready for the hospital. No hospital bag was packed for me (I know I know). When I got to the hospital, I was 2cm dilated. The OB on call came in and manually broke my water. (It was horrible, hurt so bad). I was admitted. Around 3:00, I got my epidural. Around 8:30, I was 7cm dilated. Around 10:00, I was a full 10 cm. I’m not giving y’all accurate times cause I really don’t remember. Just know I was pushing for 3 hours. By 9:00, they had to give me another dose of the anesthesia because my epidural had worn off. The nurse didn’t want to, but my doctor insisted I be as comfortable as possible. By 12:43, Addyson was crowning, but her cord was wrapped around her neck so tight it had cut off her oxygen. So the doctor immediately clamped it and cut the cord soon as she was half way out. She had turned blue. When she was finally here, nurse called code white. About 15 nurses flew in to check Addyson. But soon as they auctioned her mouth to get the fluid out, she started crying. So did I, my mom, my dad and my husband. Now Addyson is finally here, resting and I’m watching her like a hawk.