FTM with an unbelievable birth story


FTM with an unbelievable birth story.. At 38.5 weeks, I began to have my first sign of contractions on the morning September 2nd.. they got pretty intense (or so I thought) so I went to the labor and delivery department to get checked. At 11 PM I was sent home because I was only dilated to a 3 so I decided I would wait it out until my contractions were unbearable. I laid on the couch with my fiancé until about 3:45 a.m. and at this point, my contractions were so bad that I was puking from the pain. My fiancé said I was clawing him during each one so he decided it was time to go before I did. Well, I get back to L&D and the same woman who worked the front desk the first time I arrived could tell I was obviously feeling a lot more than I originally felt on my first trip to the hospital. Little did she or I know, I was in full blown labor. Once I got into the triage room, my mom looked under my blanket and I was bleeding a bit. At this point, my contractions got so intense that my body literally began pushing on its own uncontrollably. The triage nurse was asking me all the typical questions about allergies and pain level when suddenly, I felt something I knew was different. I go, “He’s coming.” The nurse was putting her gloves on to check and see if I was dilated so my mom lifted up the cover.. Low and behold, my son’s head was making an appearance. The nurse scrambled to get a doctor and a team of people into the small triage room with only a small bed and the device that monitors contractions.. My baby was delivered no more than 20 minutes after my arrival to the hospital in a room that wasn’t even equipped to clamp his cord, much less preform the first routine things they do for newborns. I planned on going all natural but all I could think about on my way back to the hospital that second time was how I couldn’t wait to get that epidural, but my son obviously had other plans. I didn’t even have enough time to be checked in and admitted, much less have pain meds administered. He shocked me just as much as he shocked all of the hospital staff that morning. I’m so in love with my spontaneous Labor Day baby!! 6 lbs 15 oz & 19.5 inches long 😭💙