TTC and my husband is ½ assing it

So we're new to TTC, been off BC since December of last year. Started trying in June. That month my husband was a huge excuse giver! 
-I'm tired, I just showered, I need to shower, I have to get up early, we just put clean sheets on the bed, I have a headache, etc. 
My period was then 4 days late and I was super bummed when I did indeed get it. So his enthusiasm kicked in and he said "we'll just do it every day next month and get a baby in there!" 
Tonight was the most important night for me to have sex according to glow.. This was no secret to him, we planned out when we'd do it, even tried to make it funny and pinky promise he only had to be on top 3 of the 5 nights.. And what does he do but blow me off, starts a fight, and calls me crazy. Says that I need to let this planning thing go and it'll happen when it's supposed to. 
I get that I can't force myself to be pregnant.. But the fact that I'm a woman who likes to know what's going on with her body, or wants to help the process along by using an app.. Makes me "crazy" and that I'm "way out of control"
Any other husbands who are being brats? Or fake on board? Or just suck at this whole process? 
I've heard from him that he's 1000% on board.. And here we are, in my most fertile day, getting called crazy for wanting this so bad.. Not having sex and I'm crying because I feel like he's using sex as a reward/punishment system right now 😭😭😭😭