Afraid my doctor is going to give me crap.


Guys I feel like the worst person in the world.

Hub and I just came back from an amazing vacation in Bali which is considered a Zika zone. I had told my doctor that we were not going to try until we got back. However Bali had a different plan for us and a week after I got home we found out I'm pregnant. (I'm 6 weeks today)

I wasn't taking vitamins, and we we're in a Zika zone however there were no confirmed cases in the areas we stayed

I'm afraid she's going to give me shit, and I feel like an irresponsible Mom already. I did have a Zika screening test last week and public health hasn't called so I'm pretty sure I'm in the clear. But I worry about not taking the vitamins before. However I have been dilligent taking them daily since we found out. I also took 2 sleeping pills and an aleve but I think that would of been around the 4 week mark.

I'm the worst already.