Is it normal my period has lasted two weeks???

I am 31. Mother of 3. Tubal ligation after last child in January 2017.

My periods have literally always been on time and by the book. Lasting 5 days. Heavy to start with, then slacking off. Then, BOOM!! My period is gone. My cycle never misses a beat.

I started my cycle on the 23rd of August. I didn’t think anything of it, because that was literally when the <a href="">Eve</a> app and my general predictions of my cycle told me Aunt Flo’ would come.

The first five days it was ungodly heavy. Not crime scene heavy. Not bleeding to death or hemorrhaging heavy. But way heavier than normal heavy has ever been for me. Then for two days following it was just a regular flow.

7 days worth of a period at that point. I wasn’t horribly concerned, although I found it odd my period always lasts five days. I figured the two extra days was a fluke thing and shrugged it off.

Well, since then....I have spotted every day for the last 6 days. Like spotting spotting. I have ruined a dozen pairs of panties (literally), because as soon as I think my period has stopped and there is no blood for several hours, I then go pee and wipe myself to see my panties have to be thrown out and I have blood on the toilet paper I just wiped myself with. I have only one functioning ovary. I had multiple tumors (benign) removed on my left ovary shortly after my first child was born.

I literally never go to the doctor (I am a medical professional, but GYN is not my expertise. Nor am I currently practicing in the field. My husband wanted me to be able to stay home and raise our children while he worked). I have a family medical history of ovarian and breast cancer as well as early menopause. But mid 30’s. Despite being told I was infertile for a decade, I managed to pop out three kiddos. My mom who is also a medical professional (GYN also not her expertise) has said it sounds like a very early on miscarriage. I have had a miscarriage though, and I remembered mine being very painful and a lot more blood involved. This is the first time I have ever posted to the <a href="">Eve</a> community, but I truly would like some advice on the subject. I really don’t want to get it checked out unless necessary. Nor do I want to embarrass myself by having it checked out and it was merely an irregular period. My first one ever. Thank you so much for taking the time to read. I am getting tired of bleeding 😅