Take your darn keys! 😡

Okay guys, super annoyed.

Moved out of our previous rental August 28. All our items have been removed, house was cleaned and we have been trying to get into contact with our previous landlord to get his keys!

First attempt to make contact I didn’t hear anything for about a day or so. I messaged again and he said oh I thought you had the baby didn’t want to bother you (due sept 10). He said he would call me the next day, radio silence. I finally asked my husband to deal with it because I cannot he bothered to chase him. He replied to my husband Monday saying oh sorry someone passed away I’ll definitely call you tomorrow (yesterday). My husband gave his condolences and waited till about 6 pm last night before reaching out, radio silence again.

I’m already getting bills for my new property and with the baby due any day I want to get these keys back to this guy! The reason we moved was it was 45 minutes out from our families and we wanted to be closer with the baby coming.

I am beyond frustrated. Do I reach out again today? Should I be more firm? I’ve been nice and understanding till now, but at this point he sounds like he’s just looking for excuses.

This was another reason for the move, he was completely useless when something broke or needed to be fixed. My husband always had to fix it.

Thanks for listening to my rant 😊😊😊😊


He would have no way of getting back into the house as we had a break in and locks were changed. He never picked up a copy of those keys. So he’d have to call a locksmith to get back into the property.

We tried dropping them off at his house, but he moved without letting us know and the lady who answered the door said she’d been living in the house for a couple months now.

I’m keeping proof of all correspondence. But it’s just frustrating!


my husband told him he either picked up the keys tonight or we would mail them to the address on file and he said he would pick them up! Hopefully he will !