I am so mad right now!

Sonia • Sonia

My boyfriend's birthday is just around the corner. I had put together some gifts for him and gave it to a friend for safe keeping until the day came. One of the gifts was a watch that i really loved and thought would look good on my boyfriend. Now today I saw that friend wearing that watch. I immediately recognized it as one of the gifts I had given him for safe keeping. I was so mad seeing it on his wrist. I mean if it was mine, i would have let him have it. But he should have respected the fact that i had especially kept it in a box to gift my boyfriend. He shouldn't have worn it like that. I mean, it's supposed to be a gift, right? And you just simply aren't allowed to use somebody else's gift like that, especially when somebody has trusted you to keep them all safe. That's just absolutely horrible. I have been feeling so uneasy since i saw him wearing that watch. I told him to take it off and keep it back in the box but i really want to tell him that he was wrong in doing so. What shall i do?