Miscarriage2 days before vacation

Let me start out by saying I hadn’t had my period for 2 months (normal for me) so I took 4 pregnancy test in those 2 months the last one was on the 20th all negative then on the 22nd I “started” didn’t think anything of it because of the negative tests. On the 23rd I woke up and went to work got to work and I couldn’t stand or sit the pain was so bad so I called my husband and told him I think my IBD (irritable bowl disease) is acting up again and he told me to wait it out and when he got home we’d go get some meds for it. It got worse by the time I got off work and when I got home I used the bathroom and I had a blood clot half the size of my palm, I showed him and we immediately went to the er, (I’ve never had a blood clot bigger than a quarter) Where they told me I was having a miscarriage, I didn’t have anytime to grieve because We were leaving for vacation with his family and we didn’t/want any of them to know because we didn’t want to ruin anyone’s vacation.