When should I tell my students I'm pregnant?


I'm about 12.5 weeks and the school year just started. I love my students and I cannot wait to tell them, but I'm worried to. Admin and my coworkers know, but it isn't even on social media yet.

I work for a small charter school that has changed teachers a lot lately. (Like, literally every English teacher that my seniors have had in high school has left.) Most recently, at the end of last year, one of our English teachers decided to take some time off because she was pregnant and wanted to spend a year with her son. (1000% understand and wish I could afford that), but now my seniors feel abandoned and are worried about losing another teacher that they are comfortable with.

Today, at the end of the day, a new teacher was trying to make conversation and loudly asked me how the baby was in front of a student. I wasn't planning on telling the kids for a couple more weeks. I can trust this kid not to say anything but idk how long I can keep it secret because idk if any other students heard it.

What should I do? It seems like I need to tell the kids sooner rather than later. How do I tell them?