Help :(


Recently I have found I’ve been really negative, pissed off easily, and overall bitchy. I don’t try to be that way, I don’t wake up thinking “oh I can’t wait to be a bitch today and be pissed off all day”. Me and my boyfriend argue a lot because of it because he feels like I’m too negative sometimes and it hurts him, I try with everything in me to have a good day but little bitches want to try me. I’m the kind of girl that doesn’t let anyone walk over. I don’t let anyone get by with treating me like shit. If you disrespect me, I disrespect you 2x worse. I was raised that way. My parents always told me to stand up for myself and not let people walk all over me. Now that I’m in high school, that’s not realistic. People don’t care about your feelings, you just have to deal with it. Basically what I’m asking, is.. do any of you have advice on how to be more positive and how to not let high school bs not get the best of you.