9/6 - CD 8

🌜⭐| a m a n d a |⭐🌛 • 32-years-young / TTC #1 💍 6.26.07 - Until Forever 💋

Well, this is an interesting trend 😅 super low temps for some reason. Fertile week is fast approaching, thank goodness. I feel even more of a sense of urgency with all this craziness that's going on.

I made a decision yesterday -- I've decided that if I don't get pregnant this cycle, I'll try to make an OB appointment for next month (hopefully-- I have to find a new one, and pray that they can fit me in. My last OB was always booked up for three months in advance 😩) and get the process started. I'm just going to tell them that we've been trying for a year. We would only be about 2 months from it truly being a year, so it's not that far off. Hopefully it won't come to that, but if it does, I think I'll feel better just knowing that we're moving forward. 🙏🏻