Going back to work soon 😞


I have been off work for 8 weeks now and just knowing I’m going back to work in a week and a half is not settling easy for me. I work full time and my husband works 3-11. I get off at 5, so knowing my husband will be with our son more than me is hard. Don’t get me wrong, it’s great and we are fortunate to be parents with our schedules that allow us to take care of our kids but it’s so hard to know he may begin to have a better bond than me when I go back. It’s hard knowing I have been the one taking care of the baby this entire time and I have to leave that time. I wish I was able to be at home more.

Mothers who has gone back to work or is getting ready to, how did you manage the time and making sure you get enough sleep. My little one still wakes up at least every 3-3.5 hours at night and with that, I have two kids to get ready for school and myself for work at the same time. I go straight to work after I take them to school. I told my husband last night he needs to help me more with anything because it’s all going to get very overwhelming for me.