we want to start buying a house at 17

Evelyn • wife since 2017 and mom of a beautiful two year old boy and baby girl on the way! Both my rainbow babies 🌈

girls I need some nice supportive words and experiences from you, hubby and I will be 1 year married next month, a week before I give birth!! we are renting a small mobile home right now, but want to start saving to buy a house, the thing is only he works right now and I probably wont work until baby is one year, when I stop breastfeeding. we need to move out from this trailer before april next year.. because there is no air conditioner in here and it gets super hot and I dont want my baby to suffer in here.....sometimes I really feel like we will no be able to buy a house soon since he doesnt get that much money and well, we are just too young, he is turning 18 in December and i turn 18 in march next year.. I would just love to hear experiences of people who were able to buy a house at a young age with a nit so good job or a babyw etc etc... also any tips or ideas to make this goal a reallity?? thanks!