Stay or break up?


So I been with my fiance for almost 3 years (next month) and lately hes been really stressed out and takes out his anger on me. When he gets mad he really gets mad. There have been times when he just tells me to leave or get out his car. His stress has to do mainly because he quit his job 3 weeks ago and is now working delivering food. He just stopped doing stuff for me or for our relationship for a while now. Like he used to surprise me at work with food or flowers or he'll take me to the movies or we'll go somewhere together. We haven't been out in awhile. I have been supporting him in anyway I can even financially. But he has been really mean to me lately, he has said some mean things to me that he later claims that he didnt mean them. But idk I just dont find myself as attracted to him as I used to be. I guess im just getting tired of him treating me like that. I'm very emotional. Should I just give it a break? Or still hang in there and support him ?