“Please don’t die.”

Y’all, my husband legitimately made me cry earlier with his heart breaking confession!!

We found out last month that I’m pregnant-after trying for a year- and he’s been so supportive and loving. He unknowingly rubs my belly in his sleep and refuses to let me lift anything heavier than a gallon of milk.

Today while I was trying to nap he laid beside me and told me the reason he was so hesitant to try for a baby was because he was scared I would die during child birth.

His family is known for having enormous babies, he himself was 10lbs,his mother had to have an emergency c-section and nearly died. His niece was 13lbs and his sister almost died. The smallest babies were his twin uncles but even then they were big for twins.

(For context my husband now is 6’5, and weighs 270lbs. His niece is 15 and already at 6 feet. His ENTIRE family towers over me like I’m a hobbit!)

My doctors have already labeled me as high risk because of my weight and he told me today,” Please don’t die during child birth, I couldn’t take it. I would die from heart ache and then our baby would be all alone.”

I’ve never cried so much in my entire life... How did I end up with this man??