Secret relationship


I’ve been with my partner for 3 years, he has a little boy with his ex girlfriend. Our relationship has been great so far we don’t have any problems out of the ordinary. But we disagree on something that I think it’s important.

Social media, for the past three years we haven’t shared pictures of us or even added each other on Facebook, instagram or any other site. His ex girlfriend is obviously still in the picture but not in a good way. I made my boyfriend put child support on himself before we made our relationship official to avoid any problems.

We get to have the baby every other weekend, but sometimes she will get mad because she finds out things (like when we go out with his family) and she starts talking shit and won’t let the baby come stay with us. There’s been times where she messaged me talking bad about my boyfriend and his family or just talking shit to me.

She’s been blocked from all my social media but she always finds a way to get to me. I’m starting to feel like my relationship is being kept a secret. It was okay with me for a very long time because I understand the baby comes first but what about the way I feel. Why does she get to decide what goes on my profile; we are talking about getting married soon does that mean I won’t even be able to post my wedding photos so her feelings don’t get hurt?

We are trying to have a baby, how is that gonna work!? And my boyfriends answers always end up with him justifying why this is happening or “is just social media, no big deal”. I love him and the baby so much but this is really getting to me now. I just don’t want my entire relationship always revolving around her! I don’t know what to do 😭😭