Post abortion concerns

This post may be TMI so if you don’t like it so t read anymore.

I posted something on here 5 days ago about how I was still bleeding from my abortion and that the blood was a dark red/browny colour and that it was quite smelly. The blood now is bright red and not smelly at all, it’s also more watery and I’ve been suffering with a head ache, stumach cramps and aching bones; I’ve also still been passing blood clots. I took my 2week pregnancy test yesterday and it came back negative so I know I have definitely passed the pregnancy but I’m not sure if I could have an infection or something?

I was just laying in bed watching videos on YouTube and it felt like I was bleeding a lot so I got up to check if I needed to change my pad and there was a massive wet patch on my bed it looks like I have peed myself but I havent🤦🏼‍♀️

If you know anything please let me know. I tried booking an appointment with my GP but the next available appointment was next Thursday