Medical abortion.

I just wanted to share that I had a medical abortion 5 weeks ago, at 8 weeks pregnant. Everything went smoothly. I bled heavy, but not too heavy, for the first two days, and then I had spotting everyday for 3 or 4 weeks, which they told me was normal.

When I went for the check up, one or two weeks after the abortion, they told me that there was some “debris” in my uterus, but since I was still bleeding, that it would pass.

Fast forward a few weeks, and I am bleeding and clotting too much and was extremely ill. I ended up in the ER with Sepsis, bordering on Septic Shock due to an infection in my uterus, caused by that “debris.”

So make sure to go back if you have ANY CONCERNS at all. This isn’t intended to scare anyone. I do not regret my abortion. But, I do wish that I would have gone with the surgical abortion. Just be sure to talk about any bleeding you have that you think may be unusual, and do not be afraid to have a follow up with your regular gynecologist.