Should this be allowed??...


Where I work, we rent our office building for a horrible woman. (She has done nothing for me to think shes a good person) We share the property with a trailer park full of about 30 or so homes. Everyone is nice and keeps up on their properties. Here's my issue. The landlord walks around and moves things she doesnt like on their properties. It may be as small as flower pot to as large as lawn furniture and decorative things. Today I watched her bang on the door of a single mom of 2. (3 and 1) wanting her to get up and comes out side and explain to her why (they remodeled) the old cabinets are still sitting on the side of her home. When it was just done the beginning of this week and bulk doesn't come until next week. I guess my question is should it be allowed for a landlord to be able to touch her renters property with out their consent? And be on their properties without their permission?

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