Can you track cm while having a yeast infection?

So I've gotten yeast infections after my periods for the last 2 cycles. I'll bleed for 5 days, spot for 7, then I'll have a yeast infection. Therefore, both times were during ovulation. Last month, I took the vaginal cream, I thought I finished it but didn't (only 1/2 application left). This month, same thing, so I went to see if there was a little bit left, for the outside of my vagina, obviously it turned out there was more. I inserted it 2 days ago. Yesterday and earlier today I had creamy cm/ yeast infection cm. Now, I have this stuff. Could I be ovulating? Its cd13, I ovulated between cd 15-17, both on the 7th of the month for the last few months, based on cm and one sided cramping.