Rules for visiting baby - how does this sound??

Kara • 🤍✝️🤍

I plan on sending out a mass text to family/friends with just a few rules of visiting baby after birth. Does it sound ok? I don't want it to sound bitchy or rude. It reads as follows:

Hello Everyone, as my due date quickly approaches I wanted to remind everyone that I will be delivering at St Thomas Midtown and NOT at Summit 😊

I also wanted to lay out just a few "rules" for after Junior is born:

1. Do NOT kiss the baby - anywhere. This includes his face, head, hands, feet. Do not put your mouth on or close to him. Germs are real and his immune system will still be weak and developing. Obviously, everyone will need to wash hands prior to holding him.

2. If you are sick, please wait to visit until you are well again. As much as that would suck, his health is #1.

3. I wouldn't expect anyone to do this but wanted to throw it out there anyways - once baby is home, please no unannounced visits. Please just call and plan ahead with us first. It is likley we will not want any home visitors for at least the first 1 to 2 weeks as we settle into this new adventure of having a newborn and establish a routine.

I hope everyone understands my concerns 😊 I can't wait until Junior is here!!! Love you all 💕