Why you do this?

kingofall_ • Idk 🤷🏻‍♀️ Snap: kingyandyyy IG: kingyandyy

So a while ago I took my cousin under my wing, she had found out she was pregnant. The baby daddy left her and got back with his ex (whom he also has a kid with) cool no problem, do you, until his ex started messaging my cousin threatening her, talking shit, telling her she and her baby should die, and shit like that, that boy did nothing to defend her, he kept saying she was keeping him against his will (lies) and all this other shit. Turns out they got back together after everything, look she’s happy, then I’m happy, but I feel VERY bothered by this. Like VERY bothered. Something isn’t sitting right with me. I want to slap my cousin for being so stupid and getting back with him, but she loves him... he wasn’t there for the first 3 months of her pregnancy and no that he and his ex split up he’s back? It’s all too quick, but whatever... what do y’all think?