Loving the fact I don’t need to buy baby clothes

Randi • Mommy of 3, number four on the way!

I have a daughter who is 18 months and was born in the month of February. And being from Minnesota, that means it’s still FREEZING here and also still snowing. I am due with another girl January 3rd, so I didn’t have to purchase any clothes to match the season and her size. I loved getting all her clothes back out, looking at all the tiny cute onesies and jammies made my heart explode💓 what’s also nice about having an under 2 year old is that I really don’t need to buy much of the other things either! I couldn’t ask for this to line up any better lol.

This is just the side of the baby clothes, my 18 month olds clothes are on the other side.. their closet is VERY pink lol