Birth story!


Get ready! Its a long one!

⬆4 days before i gave birth

On Tuesday Sept 4th I had an apointment with my midwife, I was at 40 weeks and 4 days. She said they generally dont do a membrane sweep until 41 weeks, but that since my belly was measuring a bit big the whole pregnancy, she didnt think it was a good idea to let me go on much longer without it. So she did the sweep and said i was 2cm dialated and 90% effaced. She gave me primrose oil pills and suggested swallowing 2 and inserting 2 into my vagina before going to bed, as they will help soften my cervix. So that night I did that. I woke up to pee around 2am and noticed i had lost my mucus plug. The next 2 days i had insane amounts of mucus coming out as well. I had a few contractions, but nothing overly painful or regular.

Thursday September 6th, at almost exaclty midnight my contractions started being pretty regular, 5 minutes apart. I had been in bed trying to sleep, but was very uncomfortable so i went down to the couch. At about 2:30am i went back upstairs so that my boyfriend knew they had started. At 3:00am i called my midwife to let her know what was going on, she suggested that i take a bath, it would calm me down and either speed things up or slow down if they were not the real contractions. I was terribly uncomfortable in the bath, though i stayed in for about 30 minutes. It did help some, took away the pain when i wasnt having a contraction.

I got out, and went back downstairs onto the couch and the pain came back and my contractions were about 3 minutes apart by now. Breath....walk around....breath...sit on the toilet (ive never pooped so much in my life). At 4h30 my boyfriends alarm for work goes off. He texts me 'whats up baby? Am i staying home today?' I answer yes. He comes down to the couch to be with me. My contractions are so painful now that i am making noises and having a very hard time dealing with them. At 5:00am he calls my midwife to say they were about 2 or 3 minutes apart, qnd that we were pretty sure i was ready to go to the birthing center. They decided that we would get there for 6am. So i start walking around again, making sure we have everything we need to go. He gets dressed and feeds our cats. The base for the car seat was in my car, but we were taking his truck so he had to switch it. Through my contractions i got our bags ready at the door (so happy i had had them packed for about a month, so the only thing i needed to throw in were our phone chargers and some little snacks). He helped me into his truck, went back in and got our bags, and off we were! I texted my mom to let her know it was happening. Thankfully it only takes about 20 minutes to get to the birthing cwnter from home (okay that time it took more like 15 but 😂) because i could feel i needed to push with every contraction i had. We get to the birthing center, my midwife is waiting at the back door for us. I get out of the truck and have to stop because i get a contraction. Go about 4 steps and up 3 stairs and i have another one. In the door, walk maybe 10 feet, another one. My boyfriend goes to park the truck, and comes back to meet us before we even make it to our room. I lay on the bed, she checks my cervix, and tells me im about 9cm dialated. She goes to get the antibiotics because i tested positive for the strep b bacteria. I try to sit up in bed, and my water breaks! At first i wasnt sure if it was my water or if i peed, but my boyfriend say 'its probably your water because there is alotttttt of it!' My midwife comes back, and we decide its not worth it to give me the antibiotics as it will take too long to take effect and my baby was coming right now! She starts running the bath as i want a water birth. At about 6:20 i get in, and after finding a comfortable position, the pain between the contractions slows down. I start pushing. I hear my boyfriends phone ring, its his boss. His boss asks if the baby is alredy here, because he can hear screaming in back, but no, it was just me 😂. I keep pushing, my boyfriend is amazing at helping me, getting me water, putting a cold cloth on my head and neck when i want it. My midwife keeps checking babys heart, its perfect! At about 7:45 she calls another midwife to come, as they need to be 2, incase theres a problem, one helps me and one helps baby. I can feel his head when i have a contraction. And then it doesnt go back in each time i push. It took about 20 pushes once i could feel his head til it came out, holy crap was that alot of work! Once his head pops out, i can feel him squirming the rest of his body around inside me to position himself to get out! One more push, and with the help of my midwife, he pops out! 😍😍😍😍

She leaves us alone for a few minutes. My boyfriend is being a cutie and cries a bit, i am just sitting there amazed that a baby came out of me!!!!!! After a few minutes, my midwife comes back and we deliver my placenta. Then my boyfriend cuts the cord, and takes the baby! I slowly get out of the bath, they give me a shot to help my uterus contract because i was bleeding a good amount.

My midwife kept telling me how amazing i was for pushing my baby out in such little time! That i need to watch out when i have my next one, as it will be even faster 😂

My boyfriend texts both our moms, and they say that they are on their way to come meet him! My mom gets there, she brought me some tea 😍. My midwife comes back and says they need to check if i teared, to see if she can stitch me up or if i need to go to the hospital. Sadly, i have a 3rd degree tear, so i had to go to the hopsital to get stitches. I couldnt even tell you how many i got, all i know is its painful as fuck! My boyfriends mom arrives as well, and she stayed eith my boyfriend for most of the time i was gone to the hopsital.

Before i left, i fed my little baby and they weighted him and gave him his vitamin k shot.

Henry was born at 8:39am, weighted 10 pounds and 8 ounces (yah no shit i have a 3rd degree tear 😲😲😲😲) and is 21 inches long!

⬆Them waiting for me to get back from the hospital!

When i got back from the hospital, we rested, my boyfriend went and got us subway. At 4:30 we decide to head home (we could have stayed overnight, but i really just wanted to go home!).

⬆After i returned

⬆little thumb sucker!

Hes too cute! Im so in love with him!

Now if these stitches wouldnt feel so god damn painful, all would be good!

Sorry it was soooooo long! Youre so very kind to have read it all 😍😂