First pregnancy?


My husband and i are 21. We are newly weds, got married in March.

So000000oooo0 much has happened since March! ! We got a house!

(Im posting all these pictures cuz were all nosy here, lol every time someone is like “i have a cat” im like, okayyy, show me your cat.. or he doesnt exist, duh. Or like, “i have a house,” okayyy and the picture is????)

Were in the process of getting furniture, I graduated college!

Im still unemployed lol hes got a new job like soo much going on, our lives have JUST started! We have so many plans/goals/ we have gotten out of debt together, accomplished so much together- one of our goals is to teach this. Financial literacy, getting out of debt, credit repair help, financial/entrepreneurship coaching (so stay tuned!)

But..... girlll... im giving you all the details. I hope no one i know uses this app because like awk 😳😬

Butttt, girl.... I have been feeling bloated, i have been having cramps but im having absolutely no period - 3 days late as of today !!!! 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

I cant add a possible pregnancy 🙄 not today Lord, please. Not TODAY! Or tomorrow.

I am usually pretty consistent with my period. I do not have irregularities. Im too young! Please! No no no no!

Im not on birth control or anything 😅 tehehehe 😳😬

I think it might be because of my diet? Im not eating well lately - i be digesting 1 meal a day most days or wait loooong periods of time to eat.. sometimes ill have breakfast at 1 or 3 then not eat until 11, or not eat until next day 3 pm again.

Can you guys tell me... if anyone has experienced this? What’s possibly going on?

Havent taken a test yet. I read i have to wait a week til missed period? I mustve slept thru sex ed class or something so HELP!

P.s. Girrrrl, i know you nosy like me... 😉 heres the best picture i could find of my ring 😂😂 it really doesnt do the ring justice but, if i find a better one ill post later 😂




too in shock y’all 🤦🏽‍♀️😭 i dont even have insurance! How do you start this process! Oh gosh.... well, no other choice but to woman up definitely a surprise but, welcome anyway 💕😇

Ew im gonna be a m.... m.... M.......... Muffin! Manatee! M........ Mango !! Im going to be a maaango!!!!!

Agh, i cant say it! Lol feels weird to say, but, i guess im going to have to be ready.. i got this.. 💪🏾 .. ish