Update on my health


Questions at the end

Since my last post my stomach bloating has gotten worse and AF was 2 weeks late in August.

And my discharge is just really weird now, it’s not stretchy or clear anymore. As well as that the twitching or kicking whatever it is hasn’t stopped and that’s gotten worse.

(I was washing myself after going to the toilet and this was on my hand when I looked down)

I had my gastro appointment the other day, I had bloods taken to test for celiac disease, wheat intolerance and my thyroid. The specialist prescribed me linaclotide and referred me to have an X-ray

I have my gynaecology appointment today (11/09)

Questions: I just wanted to know what questions to ask, what question the gynaecologist is going to ask, what tests they’re going to do.

I’m honestly just so fed up with this and it’s affecting my mental health, my anxiety has gotten worse because of this