
Jaletta • 40. Wife. Dean of Students. Hairstylist. Grad student. Rockstar! Pregnant for the 1st EVER 9/2018 but loss due to preterm labor at 14+4. 2nd loss 6/29 @ 18+4. Still believing God & trusting His plan!

God STILL works miracles! I'll be 37 Saturday 😁 Been ttc for literally 14 years on/off... At 22 they said I was perimenopausal & should conceive immediately, only it didn't happen.

1st marriage dissolved after abt six years & I went through a crippling divorce spiritually, mentally & financially but I must say me & Jesus really bonded during this time & I learned so much about Him and myself.

Two years later, I met the man who (I feel like) God formed me from his rib & 3.5 years later after several failed fertility treatments & a prophecy 2 years ago that said God would do it without medical intervention, we decided to focus on enjoying our new marriage, travel the world & try to be a blessing in any way we could to those around us.

Without warning or pretense, I realized my cycle hadn't started last Monday and today I sit in awe, a week post 5 positive tests, brown spotting and a huge bleed this past weekend.... I sit in AWE!!! MIND BLOWN!

6 weeks pregnant. Located perfectly in the center but low which is causing bleeding but it is there! Wow God! You. Are. So. Amazingly. Faithful!