1cm dilated, 1.6 cervical length at 23w4d


Hey guys, sorry for the long post:

I noticed my bump shrunk on Sunday morning and had some sort of pressurey- mixed with round ligament pain type cramping- didn’t think much of it assumed baby just changed position

Fast forward to Monday, I call midwife because back was hurting and figured maybe I could do something to make baby change position so he wasn’t sitting so far back. She said she wasn’t worried, but to call back if I had any issues.

I started eating some light period like cramps and called back, she said she was already at the hospital so I should just pop in and get checked out. The monitor was showing no contractions but they did a Fetal Fibronectin test to be on the safe side but did a cervix check and I was soft but closed and long .... then the test came back positive. I went to the washroom to give another urine sample and the cramping started intensifying and showing on the monitor, follow up cervical check showed I was 1cm dilated.

They gave me a nitro strip and They called around and had me sent by ambulance to a level 3 nicu which is equipped to deal with micro preemies. No change in cervix over 4 hours so they weren’t worried or thinking I was going to go into labour soon.

I got an ultrasound done this morning that showed I had a cervical length of 1.6cm and I could continued to have cramping throughout the day with no cervical dilation change.

The Maternal Fetal Medicine attending said I could go into labour really at any time and discussed getting the steroids to help baby’s lungs develop and protect his brain.

And now we wait....

Any one going through or has gone through something similar?