Shaving my boyfriend 😒😂

So the other night I told my boyfriend:

Me: “Hey, let me shave your butt.”

Him: “Why?”

Me: “It’s super hairy...”

Him: “Wow...”

Me: “Just let me do it, it’ll be quick and you’ll be smooth as a baby’s butt.”

Him: “Fine, do it quick.”

So I shaved his butt no big problem right?

And like mounds of hair are coming off and forming balls of hair in the shower tub. I’m like:


So I finish the job, he throws some cream on it and he’s loving it the first night bc his bum is so smooth and I’m like:

He knocks out, next day rolls on. We get into the night and he’s complaining.

Him: “My butt hurts, my butt burns,”

Me: “Well, you have to pay the price for beauty,”

And his face was like;

And that was pretty much the gist of the story and he WON’T STOP complaining on the butt burn. 🤪