

Our baby has had some terrible days in discomfort and we’ve questioned if she has silent reflux. Shes 7.5 weeks, exclusively breastfed. She’s gaining weight appropriately but has days where you can’t put her down and she cries and arches her back and is totally unsettled. On those days, if we settle her to sleep in our arms and then try to lay her down or put her in the rock and play, she wakes up screaming after 15-20 minutes. We talked to her doctor who recommended I give up dairy, which I did last Friday. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday were terrible, painful days for her. We called the doctor yesterday and they recommended Zantac. We haven’t picked up the prescription and today, she is a different baby- happy when awake and getting in two long naps already! What’s happening? Should I wait to start the Zantac? I hate to give her unnecessary meds but I also hate to have her continue in pain. I wish I had a crystal ball 😣