How would you feel towards MIL?

Okay so I have a 2 year old daughter and a 3 month old son. When my daughter was born my MIL would basically only see her on special occasions/holidays. She started coming along more ( not too much either just here and there ) when my son was born. Idk if its cause she LOVES newborns or cause my FIL passed away earlier this year. I have her on fb and she sometimes replies to the stories I post of my kids. She usually puts hearts and says “ I love them so much “. But I mean actions speak louder than words. She barely comes to visit them. And when she does she holds my son 24/7. ( nothing wrong with that but she feels like she’s the best grandma ever when she does) .. my SO and her have the same days off but she’d rather spend time with her new husband than her grandchildren. ( my FIL and MIL have been divorced for years ) .

Just on Sunday, they were at the fair and took their niece. But of course we didn’t get an invite. Little things like that can go a long way..

But whatever, that same day we cut a cake for my 2 year olds birthday and she didn’t bother to bring a present. Like no she didn’t have to, but that’s the least she can do since she barely comes visits 🤷🏻‍♀️

I get along with her great but I feel like she should come along more often .. we literally live 3 mins always from each other.... how would YOU feel in my situation?