Help !


So, my BF has a slightly curved penis(to the right) (also it’s a little 2 big for me)I know the curve thing is something normal and I don’t mind at all but it HURTS LIKE A BISHH, sex is getting uncomfortable and I have no idea what other positions could help. I know it’s not the size bcoz he is very gentle with me, it’s the curve that bothers. If theres a position I like or want 2 try, it hurts him and if he likes one it hurts me!! We have tried various positions but it seems the only time it works for both is when im on my back and Sometimes on all 4s but it still kinda hurts. I love him to bits but Plzz help a sister out.

Also, Sorry if my english is bad it’s not my first language 🤷🏻‍♀️ :)