Asked for Space

I asked my boyfriend for some space to think about our relationship. We’ve been fighting a lot and he had been silent with me for about 3 weeks. He came back with let’s start over, fresh start, but I had already broken up with him for 2 weeks and was already moving on with my life. I had blocked him on everything so he was emailing my job! Lol. Thing is, I’m REALLY HORNY. And I want to reach out for sex but then how is that going to help me think? This man turns me on just by breathing but we’ve fought so much that I don’t know if I even want to entertain the idea of going back together. I’m so confused! And horny, lol.

For clarity: He needed space so for 3 weeks he only texted here and would not answer my calls. On the 3 weeks mark I saw something that led me to think he was cheating so I broke up with him. 2 weeks after me breaking up with him he sent me an emailing explaining what I saw was incorrect and asking me to work it out with him. To give us a fresh start. I told him I needed to think about it because my focus for the last 2 weeks had been on moving on and never speaking with him again. He said he would grant me that time to think. Thing is, I haven’t had sex with him in over a month! And I do love him and miss him. I’m just not sure if I can handle the relationship dynamics as they have been. I’m currently reading a book called “Too bad to leave too good to stay” to help me sort that out. I’m also getting some therapy (therapist recommended book.)