Need help with a name!


My SO and I are expecting our first baby. We are working on a name for her. He likes the name Kally and I like Eliana. I came up with the compromise of Kaliana. For middle name, he is set on Elizabeth because it is my middle name and his mother's name. He likes the idea of "family name". (I put that in quotes because this would be the first time the name is passed down. I don't necessarily see it as a family name.) Regardless of it being a family name or not, the whole name put together I feel like is really long.

Kaliana Elizabeth Mendoza

Any thoughts on the name? Agree it's too long? Any suggestions on different names? I feel like a short, one syllable middle name would be a better fit. And like I said, i don't feel strongly about family names. So I'm open for any ideas!