Cough syrup method? ☺

Johanna • 27 y/o RN. Engaged since 18 dec 2013 and ttc:ing (on and off due to previous work) since April 2014.


In sweden we have this cough syrup called Bisolvon (active substance Bromhexine). It's used to losen up mucus when you have a cold or the flu and so on. Yesterday I read on a mom-to-be forum that some people take it from the last day of their period until ovulation. The idea is that it not only affects the mucus but all your bodily fluids (which makes sense). Apparently it makes your CM thinner thus helping the sperm swim more easy and there by optimising your chance of conceiving. Some even said they got the tip from their <a href="">IVF</a> clinic.

Have any of you heard about this before? And maybe even tried it? Did it help you conceive? 🌹