Standing by your husband?


Les Moonves, the chairman and CEO of CBS, was recently accused by multiple women of sexual assault. As of Saturday he was let go from CBS. His wife is Julie Chen, she hosts The Talk and Big Brother which both are on CBS. She’s been on the Talk for 8 years and hosting Big Brother for 20 seasons, and overall has been on CBS for 28 years. After the allegations she posted a tweet saying she stands by her husband. Everyone was expecting her to follow him and leave the station but last night she hosted a live Big Brother episode and even signed off the show saying “From outside of the Big Brother house, I am Julie Chen-Moonves”. She has never in the history of the show referred to herself with his last name, so many are seeing it as a stab at the station and showing support for her husband. My question is, what would you do in her situation? Stand by your husband and quit your jobs? Stay working for the station? Would you even stand by your husband with such horrible accusations?