

I just went to look at apartments and the rents I’m looking at start at $560 and go up to around $625 to $645. The apartments I really liked have fully furnished apartments, a electricity cap (they said that most people pay around $25 or less every month if they go over the cap), they also give you a washer and dryer, all other utilities are covered by the rent, and it’s across the street from the university I’ll be attending. I’ll have to have a roommate but the rents I’m looking at start at $555 and go up to $625. Each person pays that. I was leaning more towards them due to the fact that it may be cheaper and due to the amenities offered. My dad says that’s too much since each person pays the same amount but I think this may be my best bet. I’ll also know if I get accepted and will get a place sooner than I could with the other places I looked at. I will also have about $3000 saved up and plan on working full or part time while attending school full time. Do y’all think this would be a good place to stay or should I explore other options? And any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated.