I need help lying, no judgement please.

I have beautiful 6month old baby girl who I hate to find a sitter for unless it’s absolutely needed. I love my baby sooo much, but I have to admit she is A LOT. Which is why I’m having abortion on Friday. My doctor informed me most of the pain and heavy bleeding will take place Friday night into Saturday morning.

So here’s the sitch. I don’t know what to expect, but I do know I don’t want my daughter around while I pass the pregnancy. My husband will be working third shift so he won’t be able to care for her. I don’t know if I will be in lots of pain, or emotional, or completely drugged up and passed out, but no matter what I don’t want her around for it. I can’t tell my family I need a sitter to have an abortion, but this is very important to me. Help me find an excuse to have them babysit? They think my medical issues are strictly migraine related and that’s why I’ve been at the hospital so much. My work knows I have a procedure scheduled for Friday, and my sister works across the hall from me, so she may hear I had a procedure. I need a lie I can tell to my family to babysit, but also that my work wouldn’t contradict. I just cant say I’m going out of town and then my coworker mention to my sister that I had a procedure done.