Someone please help? I dont know what to do!!

Ashley 💞 • proud mommy 💙

My boyfriend and his moms boyfriend got in a big argument at his house and his grandma called and told me to leave when i shouldn’t be asked to leave because i stopped the fight and the cops came and even spoke to the boyfriend and my boyfriend and i think she just hates my guts. so i went outside and in my car crying because i was so frustrated and can’t take it. then i put on my facebook no one understand how i feel (i just lost my dad he passed away) and said how much i miss him etc. basically, a little miss him post. My whole family commented saying they are here for me etc. Then his stupid grandmother commented saying i’m rude for not leaving his house maybe it’s how i was raised and my parents probably didn’t raise me good. and she lost her dad young and i should be fine. 😡 First off, I defended my parents who mean the world to me as my mom is going through hell losing my dad, and I told her I did leave and went in my car outside and sat there. I never go in there house I literally had to use to restroom that’s seriously it. Then my mom saw the grandma disrespecting her raising me and talking extremely down to me now my mom is heated. My boyfriend isn’t really doing much saying i need to stop commenting back defending myself etc. My mom is heated and wants to message her saying she raised me damn well better than anyone in that house (as they all don’t work and sit home all day and the kids at that house are very very rude and disrespectful) and don’t talk to me in that way. I’m so sick and tired of it and literally don’t know what to do... I just wanted to be with someone’s family who loved me and treated me with respect and family. My mom is heated now and I’ve been upset and my boyfriend seems to be saying to let it go but he doesn’t see the big picture. advice...