Positive OPK today IUI Monday

Kate • 👩🏼 30 👲🏻33 🐶 2 🐱 2 💍 10.08.16 👼🏼👼🏼 👦🏼 7.18.19, 🤰🏼 due 11.29.21, progesterone deficient, ovulatory dysfunction

Has anyone had a positive OPK on a Saturday around 2 or in the afternoon with an <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> Monday morning (10am) and gotten pregnant?

This is the largest follicle I have had and trying to let go of emotions, but it’s hard to not overthink.

Medicated cycle: letrozole days 3-7, follistim 125mcg and I’m supposed to trigger at 10pm tonight.