Non Stress Test

Last monday my belly measured 31 (in)? And then this past Thursday at the dr it measured 29. So dr has me doing non stress tests about 3x a week. Well went to hospital yesterday morning for my scheduled non stress test. Was there for 4.5 hours! Because he failed the first 20 minutes and had me for another 20 minutes and he started to show better signs. Dr ordered an ultrasound and the babys head and chest is measuring right on track, but the rest is measuring really far behind. It had taken awhile to get what they needed for the ultrasound and I was told if he didnt score 8/8 they would have to take him out. Well he passed the ultrasound (it's normal for me to have small babies, as I am really petite and so is my fiance). I will be 35 weeks tomorrow. Was suppose to go back to work tuesday but having issues with my job and now that we dont know what baby boy is up to or our plans I might not be going back to work until after post partum checkup.

His heartrate was spiking down really low with even minor contractions. Then would at times spike high up. They were concerned because the way it spikes down and how often and that it takes a little bit for it to go back up to baseline. So dr and i are going to talk tomorrow at my appointment on what he thinks is best. We arent sure if baby boys heartrate will be able to handle labor. My second son almost couldn't handle labor as the same issues happened.

Im not sure if dr wants to try and keep him in for another 2 weeks and keep doing our every few days checkup on the baby and play by ear or take him out early. We had the same issues with my other son and we made it to 38 weeks but he almost didn't make it through labor.

Guess after this long rant. I'm just asking for positive vibes and prayers that baby boy is able to stay in for at least 2 more weeks to make it to 37 weeks or if he does have to come out earlier that he comes out healthy.